Saturday, January 15, 2011

25 things to do

It's been a while that i haven't visited the,i ended up doing the 25 things to - this is supposedly 25 things to do in a relationship, because some were not applicable to.

1. Be inlove - first and foremost, be inlove. There were maybe fights and arguments, but what's important is that, you'll end up being inlove after the fight.
2. Be silly and look funny - just go with the flow and enjoy the experience. One of those that is being ignored. 
3. Be like a kid - bring out the kid in you ;) 
4. Be appreciate, thankful and grateful
5. Be an explorer - try something new, you might enjoy it. Travel with people you don't know, it adds up excitement.
6. Be a traveler - Go to places that you don't know and be friends with people that you dont know.
7. Be a friend - Offer something to people you don't know, be friends with them
8 and Be friends with them - meet new friends no matter what their beliefs are ;)
9. Be hopeful that you will bump into each other again.. somewhere.. sometime :)
10. Be sweet at all times - what you give, you'll receive...
11. Be the one to reach out - Reach out with the family
12. Surprise everyone
13. Do crazy things
14. Explore the places - gain as much as you can.
15. Work with what you have - be resourceful, don't just whine and complain, work with what you have.
16. Laugh out loud and don't care what other people would say
17. DOn't mind what others will say, just go on.
18. Be spontaneous, it's sweeter than a scripted one.
19. Be beautiful all the time, always ready to take the shot ;)
20. Just smile, so what if they knew what you've done last night ;)
21. Chill out and enjoy the company of friends.
22. It doesn't mean that you're in a relationship, you can't do what you want. Just go on.
23. But make sure that when you go home, don't forget your sweety ;)
24. Ask a stranger to take a photo of you ;)
25. Once in a while, don't be the star of the photo.

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